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Women across the world make one universal mistake with men

Women across the world make one universal mistake with men.

It’s not their fault. They’re just following common wisdom. Common wisdom says that men only fall for exceptional women. (Exceptional bodies, mainly.)
If you see a woman with a man trailing behind her like a puppy dog, common wisdom says you can be sure she has something you don’t.
It’s such an obvious explanation and yet…
It’s dead wrong.
That woman?
She’s no more exceptional than you. (Whatever THAT means.)
But what she does have is a very special understanding of men.
She understands that what matters most is NOT what he sees when he looks at her…
But how he sees himself reflected in her eyes.
The truth is this:

Men fall for women because of how those women make them feel.

When a man feels like a hero in a woman’s eyes, he swears his undying loyalty to her.
He can’t help it.
Most women don’t have that effect on him.
When he’s around most women, he feels like a dumb guy. Like he’s always doing something wrong. Like he needs a nanny to look after him.
He can count on one hand the number of women who look up to him. Who really, really respect him.
And he’s always going to have a place in his life for those women.
So, how do you make a man feel like a hero?
It sounds kind of silly.
Do you have to engineer some kind of scenario where he has to save kids from a burning house or a little old lady from getting hit by a car?
No. It’s a lot simpler than that.
To make your man feel like a hero, there’s one easy thing you can do starting right now:

You can thank him warmly for every single thing he does for you.

Did he offer to get you a drink?
Thank him.
Did he clear the dishes off the table?
Thank him.
Did he drive you to a meeting?
Thank him.
He’s a hero to you every day, even though you may not see it like that.
Has your man “rescued you”—metaphorically speaking—any time in the last week?
Maybe he dropped everything to help you. Maybe he was there when you needed a sounding board. Maybe his advice helped you make a difficult decision.
We tend to take those things for granted. We expect it. It numbs us to the actual miracle of having someone to rely on.

But the more you appreciate him…The more he appreciates YOU.

Now, that’s not how most people think.
Most women think they can earn a man’s appreciation by doing lots of things for him.
They’ve got it backwards.
The best way to earn a man’s appreciation is to appreciate everything he does for you, no matter how little.
It triggers his “Hero Instinct.”
(You can learn more about the Hero Instinct by watching this  video .)

For now, just know that the key to unlocking his undying devotion is NOT in everything you do for him…
But in how you respond to everything he does for you.
Did he just wrap his arms around you?
Give a little wiggle of contentment.
Did he agree to watch the program you wanted to see on TV?
Give him an appreciative kiss.
Reward the little things he does, and you’ll find your man striving more and more to please you.
He’s your hero.
And that’s what heroes do.

But that’s just the beginning.

There’s so much more you can do to trigger his hero instinct.
There are phrases you can say, texts you can send, and little requests you can use to trigger his hero instinct 100 times more powerfully than just saying thanks.
And because no man can resist a woman who makes him feel like a hero, it’s worth learning a few of these emotional trigger points.
Want to take your relationship skills to the next level with men? Then learn more about how you can master this powerful technique (from the man who invented it) in this short video.

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