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In this day and age of technological breakthroughs, everyone would agree that it has its pros and cons. While mobile phones, the Internet, or the basic computer have made everyone’s lives better, it is still undeniable that this technology has also caused a few other activities to be pushed aside. Walk around the streets and the majority of the people are either on their smart phones or listening to their MP3 players, as if saying to anyone who passes them by to mind their own business. It has to be said that at some point, these gadgets have alienated people from each other.
The good thing is that a new concept has been introduced which encourages people to go for gadget or social media detox; that is, keeping their hands, eyes, and ears away from the computer or phone and just focus on other things. One of the activities that people who go through this detox can engage in is exploring the great outdoors. It is that time when people go out and bask into nature uninterrupted by a text message or a phone call. Surprisingly, experts say that outdoor activities can reap as many benefits as staying online can.
Physical Benefits
Every outdoor activity entails some form of physical activity. Whether it is sports related or just plain walking around the park, these activities encourage physical exercise which is good to improve one’s well-being. Going for a brisk walk in the morning is a good way to catch Vitamin D from the sunlight. Engaging in simple games can develop physical agility and proper body coordination.
Mental Exercise
During hiking, camping, and backpacking, physical body parts are not the only ones that get exercised. Even the mind can benefit from these physical activities. When using a map to navigate a particular area, it encourages a healthy mental health. While exploring the great outdoors and the mind is free to explore, it develops learning.
Improved behavior
As people come in to contact with others, certain behavior can be developed. Learning how to act in front of a large crowd or work together with a team are some of the things that can be developed when a person engages in activities that require him to work with others. The values of sharing, problem solving, and cooperating are learned.
Personality Development
Living in a fast paced environment can wear a person down. As such, exploring the outdoors allows a person to free his mind from the stresses and demands of work. Going away for a weekend to explore other places encourages a person’s sense of adventure and takes his mind off from the hustle and bustle of the corporate jungle. By engaging in outdoor activities, a person develops his self-confidence and creativity by making things around him interesting.
Better Social Skills
The outdoors is a great place to develop a person’s social skills. Becoming involved in activities allows us to meet new people and interact with them. Doing stress-relieving activities with other people allows us to bond and develop a strong sense of community where we can be ourselves and feel we belong.
Increased Work Productivity
People who engage themselves in regular outdoor activity tend to me more relaxed while at the same time active. They react better even in stressful situations and also exhibit high productivity. Companies believe that the individual productivity of their employees, when combined indicate increase in their profits as well.
Increased Environmental Awareness
As people continue to explore the great outdoors and discover the beauty of nature, they certainly become aware of the environmental issues in the society. Active people tend to put more value to things they have come to appreciate, like nature. This new sense of awareness encourages them to protect the environment and involve themselves in causes that push environmental care forward.
There will always come a time when this highly technological lifestyle will wear the person down. As such, health experts continue to encourage everyone to maintain a particular balance of keeping in touch with the real world while maximizing the benefits of this age’s breakthroughs. Exploring the great outdoors certainly presents a wonderful opportunity.
But of course we’d have such philosophical thoughts being a boat hire company, but seriously, when we see customers returning completely relaxed and energised we simply know we have a great product that really makes a positive impact.

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